26 April 2010

23 April 2010

I'd Lie.

I have an urge to write a song.

About a boy.

A simple distraction from all that I’ve been going through.

Because, through all of this, I still blush when he crosses my mind.

And I still have butterflies in my stomach.

And giggle like a little girl.

All the symptoms of the starry-eyed syndrome.

And all this for a boy(man) whose name starts with a K.


16 April 2010

Quote of the Day.

I have learnt how to live… how to be in the world and of the world, and not just to stand aside and watch.
-Audrey Hepburn

I'm learning. I'm still breathing.

15 April 2010

Quote of the Day.

I know God wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much.
-Mother Teresa

Just like my cousin says, "There IS a light at the end of the tunnel." I'm working on me right now. Ultimately, it's my life.

11 April 2010

Above Ground.

The people, the environment, the small goal of the day - all of it was absolutely perfect. At a time where I am reorganizing myself, it touched my heart that I can still have moments like these, days like these. I had one good day in a very, very long time. I wouldn't have changed a detail of it (except maybe if Cory were to find me through the crowd &propose to me, but tough luck, cookie). I'm not sure if this is a sign connecting to what I was debating on before, but today definitely spoke loud &clear to me.

"It's the journey, not the destination."

06 April 2010

Quote of the Day.

To fail spectacularly is actually a liberating experience.
-The President and COO of Churchill Downs in "Undercover Boss"

We fear failure, but how bad can it actually be? We all need to be less afraid of learning more about ourselves in failure. We're all human, after all.

That was the hardest concept (and still is) for me to understand.

Five Years.

Five years. Who I have metamorphosed into can be traced to the experiences within these past five years. I used to be some little girl who followed what her family told her - act like this, only say this, only do this. I could have gotten lost in it - I could have become very sheltered. I stand today better knowing how the world works... &how my family works. Culture plays into this - male roles, female roles, filipino family lifestyles at its absolute fullest. As a first generation American, we are still raised as if we were living in the Philippines. Boys do this, girls do that, children do this &can never do that. To stand up for oneself is never taught, never tolerated. I, unknowingly, made one decision that affected my whole life. That decision? Getting into my first relationship, which was a pretty successful relationship... Until it wasn't &ended. However, that's not the point. He was a couple specks of the bigger picture. If it weren't for my decision to pursue a little crush, my darkest secret would have never been exposed to my family. The chain of events affecting my family would not have occurred. I wouldn't know my brothers as much as I do. I wouldn't know my oldest cousin on my father's side as I do now. Granted, I wouldn't be going through such a hard time these past few months, but heck - aren't we supposed to do something every day that fears us? These emotions, this lack of self-control scares me. Very much. Feeling loneliness, betrayal, aimlessness. It's very dark. But I guess at this point in my life, there's nothing to lose. I'm pretty sure this will happen a lot in life. This first time, however, is the real test. It may take me longer than others, but I'm trekking on through.

&To think, if I didn't have that crush in the 10th grade, this all would have never happened.

I'm still learning about myself, still regaining my strength. I guess, readers, stay tuned - it'll come sooner or later.

Every decision we make is a life-changing decision.