11 July 2008


I fucked up my car today. Not horribly fucked up, but fucked up enough. CJ got on my case about it, which is predictable, but he just wouldn't stop.

I get it, I get it. It was a stupid, foolish, dumb, moronic mistake. But man... I make mistakes. The one thing I was always afraid of (which is pretty insignificant in broader matters)was being so good and so pristine (at least in terms of academics and family). Once that becomes accomplished, everyone around me will always assume that every day and every minute I'm like that... that I always live up to that. And then - then mistakes are unthinkable. Well, it seems that I'm there.

It actually makes me somewhat sorry for surpassing people's expectations of me. I want to be able to make mistakes and not feel so incredibly horrible I've made one. I understand why it is an error &I know not to do it again. But really. I make mistakes.

I guess it even shocked me. It's possible. So give me some slack.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww! i hope you're ok!

you're right. nobody's perfect and everyone makes mistakes... but you're still an AMAZING person and you know that! ;P

hope you feel better. :)

hang out someday... sometime... maybe after summer school. -_-