10 August 2009


Photography by Riddhi Dhruv. [:

Until I head off to the land down under! ...Australia! Sydney, Australia, to be exact.

I feel like I haven't been writing in this as much as I used to. So, because of that, I wanted to update this just in case people worry... which I doubt. haha.

My trip to Sydney to visit my lovely best will be my first flight outside of the United States. Yes, I have never been to the Philippines. This is absolutely crazy, I know. I'm only going to be there for 2 and a half days. The ticket was roughly $750. I'm going to have to take the cab alone to Macquarie University &back to the airport by myself. It's a foreign country. But still. Riddhi &I are crazy that way. I'll be able to visit my best friend, who may somewhat be homesick. I'll be able to bring her her luggage that she had to leave behind. I'll get to say that my first time being outside of the country was a spontaneous trip. I'll get to explore the world around me. I'm young. If I'm not going to do it now, when am I ever going to do it?

I am absolutely ecstatic! I don't even know if it has hit me yet. I think when I'm on the way to the airport, I'll feel it. Ahh! I've applied &been accepted for a VISA. I've called my bank. I've made a list of things to bring. I feel so prepared, yet all still feels unpredictable. I like it. I don't know... I'm speechless. I don't know what to expect. All I know is that I'll be with my best. I hope nothing has changed between us. We need to catch up because, apparently, I have not been updated to the fullest extent. I'm anxiously eager to see what's in store.

Pray for me, my lovely readers! I'm going on an adventure! ♥

1 comment:

kevin said...

bring me back something! bring sand! haha