07 August 2009

You Know What Annoys Me?

People who don't update their blogs. AHH. It feels like forever since I've really blogged on here. &That totally caused my site visits to slip. By 34.07%, to be exact.

What else? Having a dry spell! OF COMMENTS ON MY POSTS. haha. Maybe that corresponds with the amount of site visits, but still. I need to work on both, I guess. It's as if I'm not making any comment-worthy posts anymore. Why is this bothering me, you might ask? I have no clue. But it is. It gives me motivation to write more? I know I don't need validation. From anyone, actually. So I guess scratch all of that.

One last thing? People who say one thing &do the other. People who bail. Even when it was scheduled months in advance. Even when the other person knows the event means a lot to them. I guess odds weren't in my favor because odds are that you'd rank @least once a month. I guess here's that once. It was long overdue, I guess. If you're going to flake on me, @least don't do it so selfishly or heartlessly. It doesn't look good on you. It annoys the fuck out of me - &I love you. Don't count on me always being so forgiving or understanding. Most of all, don't take me for granted.

Please &thank you.


jeanette said...

:( i hope this wasn't about not hanging out yesterday night , but today.. :( :( :( :(

Christia S. said...

No, lovely. This isn't about youuu!

No need to worry, I love you. [:

kevin said...

!!! wa ha happened???

Mariana said...

It would be cowardly for me to turn my back on this blog post. Do realize, however, that I LOVE YOU! and that i'm not afraid to tip toe around your feelings. I have grown to trust you over the last two years. I am HONESTLY SORRY for my behavior, i know it was not right, but don't expect me to change.
Please remember that you are a very special person to me, and i DO NOT TAKE YOU FOR GRANTED.

Rebecca said...

i'm sorry ugh i fail at blogging lately, i'll get back on it i promise :)