17 April 2008

33 days left.

Hawaii's coming... or rather, I'm leaving for Hawaii in 33 days. I think it's about time I get out of this goshdarn city, try more new things, &just explore. I've been focused in college all this time (you know, with a few dates, outtings, &random late nights here &there... but you get the picture.) &I need time off. After all, 7 years of school left! &I can't wait.

I just got outta my Women's Leadership class when a quote got my attention: "'I am finding new strength in myself; I may have always had it and just didn't know because I'd never had to call on it.'"

This freshman year in college has been the most dramatic, emotional, fun, crazy, rollercoaster-ish, &adventuresome year in my whole entire life. There were just so many changes I had to deal with. I thought by the end of summer all I really had to deal with was a broken heart, but then I realized how much college was different, how much my family means to me, how much new people can become such close friends, &how to cope with the losses of my grandparents. I realized... you know what? There is just so much out there in the world that are more important, like family, &I am not gonna waste my time bitching about certain events.

Am I strong? That's an ongoing debate I've had with Riddhi, Rose, &CJ for a while now. I just deal.

So now I need time off &live life happily, which is primarily my main goal. Living for ME &finding out just what I love in this world. No need to be dependent on anyone or anything. Boys? Oh, they're just beginning to get good. Smoking cigarettes? Nope, quit that. Irrelevant drama? There's more out there in the world.

Baby, I'm ready &Hawaii's just the tip of the iceberg.


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