21 April 2008

ohh dang.

Procrastination's a bitch. &I'm already on my way to "Summer Mode." The current project that needs to get done is my Art History paper on an artwork (of course). I chose Edgar Degas's Waiting. There's so much I know I can write about, but I'm just waaayyyy too lazy. Yes, it's only a five-page paper, but still, I'm lagging it until I can't lag no more. haha.

What sucks MORE is that I'm totally not thinking about school because I can't wait till Thursday &this weekend! Clubbing♥ ! I haven't been out-out in a while, minus that date with whatshisface. haha. But seriously, I'm on a MISSION when I go out. &It'll be uberly fun with Riddhi &Mariana. Hopefully, Rocio will come too, but we'll see. Friday will also be a club night, in which I am 65% sure'll happen. Saturday is a day for the boys, the brothers &Bryan! &Sunday... oh, that's just a day for work..

But seriously... how can I focus when I have this weekend to think about &HAWAII in about 4 weeks?!

BTW, getting amazingly beautiful grades for my classes aren't even an incentive because I've been getting A's this whole semester! ahh. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

ohh dang. Must snap out of it. Check.

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