27 April 2008

friends of convenience.

May 2.

This year has been CRAZY. There were so many new people I've met &I've grown to love. [= There were also many falling outs. But hey, new school, new life. For sure. Yet, what I've learned about myself is that I always want things to end up well, for everything to be happy in the end. However, people take that for granted &there are only so many cheeks to turn. What I'm talking about are friends who just use other friends only when it's convenient for them. But when the other friend is going through a hard time - a really hard time - they don't have time. What I've learned is that you shouldn't take shit from anyone, especially the people who are supposed to love you &be there for you. ...You know what? I'll give you the same amount of time you give me. Don't be surprised if I don't answer your calls or call you back. You're not an obligation, hun.

I've learned a long time ago that you just have to let people go because it's not worth being that unhappy with them than finding new happiness without them.

I'm finding happiness. Finally, babe. Don't be surprised if you're not one of my priorities.

Thank you very much.

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