21 January 2009

100% Focused.

Gotta fake it to make it, right?

It's been a long ass time since I've blogged, but the people closest to me know I've been wanting to since I've gotten back @school. The thing that's stopping me? MY MAC CRASHED. &On the first day of Spring semester. I'm telling you... I have bad luck! ...in all aspects! But @least that makes me appreciate the things I do have. So how am I writing this blog right here? Blackberry Browser... How ghetto. LOL.

So I'll update this ASAP. I love my blog incredibly &I don't want to let my faithful readers (Stef, Riddhi, Mariana of that I know...) down.

Just remember: When I fall, I fall. ...But I am no longer wearing my heart on my sleeve. I hold back. Not because I'm jaded or anything (Well... Maybe.), but because I've learned that it's better to take things slowly.

Oh, &also, I loooove my friends! I miss them oh so much. They're my everything... I hope they know. &I hope they know that they can come to me whenever needed. I love you, bbs. [=

Now, back to being FOCUSED.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"but because I've learned that it's better to take things slowly."

That's my girl! :]

Cant wait for our talk tonight.

Love you, miss you.