26 January 2009

To You.

No pictures. No details. You'll know who you are.

Stop visiting me in my dreams. I fell deep &so quickly, too. Only now do I feel the repercussions of that relationship. I don't have time to dwell or to be sad. You had a piece of me &all of a sudden you turned around as if that was enough. You fucked me up so badly. I went through a state of ontological shock &all my views were put under attack. How could you be so spineless to, randomly, drop me? It's inconsiderate, immature, &most of all, cowardly. It wasn't just "a thing", something that just felt right for that moment. Don't tell me I don't mean anything to you.

I just felt a need to rant, to fully express my feelings about you. I'm not going to act like a bitch, be all "emo," resent you, or feel any hatred for you, you know I'm better than that. I can finally let go without the fear of falling for you again. Now you know... at least a fraction.

This is one less thing out of the list of people/ideas/philosophies/thoughts I need to let go of. The list will continue later this week, however, no promises.

Fuck, this is badly written. Raw, emotional, me (How ever overused that sounded.).

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Hope everything works out for you. :(