19 February 2009

The Missing Factor.


This girl tries her best every day, but it's all gone to waste cuz there's no one around. This girl she can draw, she can paint, likes to dance, she can skate, now she don't make a sound. &I'd love to forgive and forget, so I'll try to put all this behind us. Just know that my arms are wide open. The older I get the more than I know, well, it's time to let this go.

I think the most pre-dominant theme you'll find in my posts, &in all of my other works, is love. I love love. It's always a part of my life, in my daily routine, expressed to those closest to me &engulfed in my thoughts. So it's no wonder that I'm running around in circles with some sadness. No, I'm not in love with anyone. Yes, there are incredible, amazing people around me, but there aren't sparks. I miss love - just the feeling of it. However, through many lessons learned &past experiences, I have learned that loving myself is enough... It should be enough. But why is it not anymore? I love me to the same extent as I have before. Nevertheless, I currently have blinders on, focusing myself to love others. &I'm ready, I'm so ready. What's the hold up? It probably just isn't my time. I know what I want, am capable of loving others, am done fooling around. "Everything happens for a reason." Let's see what's in store. My life is rarely ever this quiet.

There's just a missing factor - a different, wonderful kind of love.

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