14 February 2009

She's in Love with the Boy.

Photography by albert.cantaloupe.

There's something about the way the street looks when it's just rained. There’s a glow off the pavement, you walk me to the car, &you know I wanna ask you to dance right there - in the middle of the parking lot. Yeah. We're driving down the road, I wonder if you know. I'm trying so hard not to get caught up now, but you're just so cool - run your hands through your hair, absentmindedly making me want you.

I want a love in which anything goes. A love that makes you go crazy, yet keeps you sane day-to-day. I want a love where we steal glances @one another, just to be sure they're really there. A love that keeps you pinching yourself everyday, wondering, "Is this really it?" I want a love where you catch the other person looking at you with sparkles in their eyes - "The Look." I want a love that is as strong as the people engaging in it. A love that knows no boundaries. A love that is unafraid, unconservative, unconditional. A love that lets people say what they need to say. A love to last. A love where, in a minute, you better be in my arms. A love where our needs &desires are fulfilled automatically just by a touch, a peek, a whisper. A love where in 5, 10, 15, 50 years, we are still falling truly, madly, deeply. A love where we can't keep our hands off each other. I want a love that keeps us going, even when we're almost in our last days. A love where we're in heaven and hell all @the same time. A love where we're screaming &fighting &kissing in the rain. A love where - it may be complicated, frustrating, &utterly draining, yet - it's intoxicating. A love where holding hands makes me giggle. I want a love that excites me, angers me, &makes me pull off my hair. A love where we're tested, but know there's no one else, nothing else, anything else to keep us away. A love that can endure. A love with stamina. A love that accepts &that forgives. I want a love that, although we've been pushed away, pushed to the limits, pushed apart, &just downright pushed to the ground, we find each other pulling one another closer. I want a love where love is enough. Because it is for me.

I want a love with you.


Anonymous said...

Read it again. I like.

Anonymous said...

*sighs* *thinks dreamily to herself*

wait... what does this mean? you want him back?

Anonymous said...

be careful around him.

Anonymous said...

so who is the guy

Anonymous said...

how about you not be anonymous, people.lol.xtia doesn't like it. :p

Christia S. said...


Let's clarify: I don't desire anyone.

I love love.

Anonymous said...

Love is lovelyy. You'll find your love one day.<3