24 February 2009

Stand Still, Look Pretty.


I am slowly falling apart. I wish you'd take a walk in my shoes for a start. You might think it's easy being me: You just stand still, look pretty.

Gotta fake it to make it, right? Pretend I'm not feeling the way I'm feeling so I can get through it - get over it.

Don't underestimate me. Yes, it may take me some time - I learn the hard way. However, it doesn't matter how many times you fall, it matters how many times you fall &get back up again.

Anyways, It's been a while since I've quit smoking cigarettes. No more being dependent - on anyone or anything. In addition, Lent starts tomorrow, Ash Wednesday. Another thing I'm letting go of? Chocolate. haha.

Things are looking brighter already. I'm picking up the pieces.

<3The Wreckers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yep. it's always gonna take time but i know you'll get through it. :)

:O chocolate!? haha so sad. :< i'm giving up elevators for lent. meaning i have to walk to the 5th floor of the library, now. :) noice!