03 February 2009

Me in 25.

The Facts.
1. I'm oh so quiet given the certain scenarios, but outgoing with the people I'm most comfortable with.
2. If I could, I'd relive Winter Break '08-'09 again.
3. I cherish all of my friends. I'll tell you straight to your face if I miss you, appreciate you, or love you. So with that said, I miss you all, appreciate your tolerance &patience, &love you all to death.
4. My pet peeves include when people underestimate me (yes, I can carry my own furniture, thank you very much.), when people don't use their clickers when driving (!!), when people spell/say my name wrong, &when people mistake "your" with "you're."
5. I've come to learn that everyone has ignorance. I've seen both extremes, when it is truly blissful &when it is just uberly annoying.
6. I have a blog: theoneinthesun.blogspot.com. I like to write in it about 1-2 times a week. It keeps me sane, my emotions in line, &encourages my love of writing.
7. I'm taking an overload of classes this semester... plus work @the Business Office &work @Crate &Barrel. I'm keeping busy because that's all I've ever known - to be efficient &productive.
8. I don't show it as often as I'd like, but I love my family tremendously. I miss them so much that I try to not think about it cuz it'll bring me to tears. They say I'm the reason they're all still together, but it's only because I get my strength from them, especially Xie.
9. When I was younger, I always wanted to be a heartbreaker. We don't always get what we want, now do we?
10. I used to love love. Just the idea of it. I used to wear my heart on my sleeve, oozing with openheartedness. I was the hopeless romantic, always saying "aww" to anything sweet, even if it long passed the borderline for corniness. I would fall just for the sake of falling - to risk everything for that guy in my life. I'm broken.
11. I need to man the fuck up. Next bitch.
12. I'm not very street-smart. I'm ditzy &extremely slow that it gets seriously irritating. However, bear with me because I really do try.
13. I'm very good with directions &knowing what great restaurants to go to depending on your appetite, choice of setting, ¤t time.
14. I love late night outings with a passion. Spontaneity -&passion- will win my heart.
15. "Men not boys!" Yes, that was annoying. Hahaha. My dream guy most acts like my brother, Xie. He's sweet, treats me well, thinks of me first, &can handle any situation. Chivalry is NOT dead.
16. I got my own. I get my shit done, I pay for everything I can. Everything? Yes, I bought it. Don't think I'm dependent on anyone or anything. I can live with or without you, thank you very much.
17. I've had major falling-outs with everyone that I'm close to, including family. However, the relationships that are able to survive through that, &become stronger as a result of it, stay close to my heart always.
18. I steer clear from drama. 7th grade did it for me. So, no, I don't hate you. &Yes, you can stop giving me the stank eye.
19. I can't remember how I survived senior year. Looking back @being senior section head for yearbook, running in Track &XC, having AP classes, working @Crate &Barrel, dealing with college apps, figuring out what we're gonna do for prom &having a boyfriend, I just don't know how I did it. &I just remember it being easyyyy.
20. Freshman year of college - or actually, August 2007 to February 2008 - was the most traumatic roller-coaster ride ever. I know I got through it through the strength of a Higher Being, my mother, Xie, &my many friends, including Riddhi, Rose, &Rocio. I knowwww now that I'm strong... Because you showed me my potential.
21. I've worked/am working so much harder this year than ever before. Sometimes, it gets to the point of exhaustion. Work's a killer + classes on the weekdays. I'm testing my limits... &maybe even pushing them, too.
22. A great week for me would consist of a flat island, poke, coronas &coors lights, FRIENDS marathons, Harry Potter marathons, The Office marathons, Heroes marathons, tanning, Bossa Novas, Pizookies, White Chocolate Molten Cakes, fried ice cream, Crepe in the Grip, snowboarding, taco trucks, crashing people's houses, &taking many photos in between.
23. I'm not a Nursing student. I'm a Bio/Pre-Med major &a soon to be double minor in English &Women's Studies, as well. I didn't "quit" Nursing because it was too difficult for me (I commend the Nursing students who can really handle it &kick ass, too.), but because right before my grandma died, I told her I would become a doctor... Because that's what I truly wanted to be. She's my inspiration, motivation, &role model. I didn't know her too well, but I believe we had a connection those last few days &for that, I am grateful. I made a promise - to her &to me. That's why I'm doing this. That's why I switched. For her.
24. I have two tattoos. One needs to be finished that I got in November 2007 with Marie: my mm<3 tattoo on the back of my lower neck. It'll be colored in dark purple &will have "jm" added right below it, to read "mm<3jm," which are my grandparents' initials. I got my second tattoo in July 2008 with Stephannie &Stacey. It's 4 Paloma Picasso hearts on my right wrist that I drew myself, representing my parents &two brothers. They're on my right hand &in plain view. It also represents how I wore my heart on my sleeve... Not so much anymore. Review #10.
25. I'm an open book. Ask me anything &I'll tell you the full-on truth. However, be prepared because it might not always be what you expected.

Till next time, my loves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christia you're one of the greatest people I've ever met. You're one of the strongest and though sometimes you don't feel that way about yourself I know you are. Keep testing your limits. It's what makes you great. You're not afraid to work harder. Keep it up.