08 March 2009

Got Lost in Your Brown Eyes.

If everything was everything, but everything is over. Then everything would be everything if only we were older. I guess it's just a silly song about you &how I lost you &your brown eyes.

This one's for my past loves, which are not many, just so you know.

As overused as this sounds, you'll always have a place in my heart. It scares me how this is true. I genuinely hope you do well &find love &happiness. We did once have love &happiness, but we knew better that it was time to go our separate ways, mostly due to our different paths. If ever you look back &remember what we had, I hope youare comforted by the thought that I do so also in many moments. I hope years from now, if we are so blessed, we are able to reminisce together, yet I know time cannot tell. What's sad is that we most probably won't be able to do that, but I just wish you luck &guidance on your journey. You were my guidance once ¬hing will ever be regretted because, at least for me, my feelings for you were undeniably strong, true, innocent, &hopeful. I only wish the best for you &your future [with her, if applicable].

I hope to find as much happiness as I did with you sometime in the future. I am finally being able to focus on me, my needs, what I want to do with my life, &my desires in every aspect of that life. There's no more turning back. I'm leaving the past in the past &living in the moment. Just know that I am extremely grateful for those memories. Concentrate not on the sorrow, but on the happiness we shared - the happiness I need to realize that is around me daily, as well. Thank you for the adventures. I loved you.

&Babe, there's nothing else I can say.

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