05 March 2009

Messed Up.

Now what would you do? Tell me, if I left you out of the blue? Would you fight back tears while your heart gets torn to pieces? Cause that's what I did when you left me out of the blue. Love can feel so good &then suddenly it's over.

I am not gonna sit around &become just as messed up as you are. I'm me. It's ridiculous how I let it overcome me to the extent that it has. You guys are all fucking messed up. I don't know if this gives you a sense of accomplishment. After all, misery loves company. I don't know if I'm some sort of experiment or a bet, even. We'll just see if &how fucked up we can make her, right? Every time I get the courage &strength to walk away, you're right there waiting to trap me back in again. It's some sort of trick for you - disappear &reappear @the most perfect times. I see it now, clearly &simply... Just like the sign I have always been asking for.

Don't bother sending me your mixed signals anymore. I see right through you.

I'm done following the path to being as fucked up as you are. I'm not happy. I will be.


Anonymous said...

you tell that mofo.

Anonymous said...

Preach itt, Stef! :) Fuckkk off, suckaaa.