02 February 2010


After all that has happened in these past few days, I think it's about time I search through my roots. I feel like a 78 year old grandmother with the amount of social activity I'm doing, my new interests, and my homebody nature. This is definitely helping me get to the source of all my stress and constant thinking.

Appearance and reality is not my liking nowadays. I'm just trying to understand my motives better and know why things bother me the way they do. Maybe it's just a phase in my life, but if you knew my family history of these "phases" lasting longer than they are supposed to, you'd be afraid, too.

While things are currently being put into perspective for me, I know that the people I have decided to keep in my life were chosen correctly. I cannot be more humbled to be able to go through all these experiences with these people as my support group. Of course, there are a few individuals I constantly think about &will never stop caring for, but I know this is a lesson that must be experienced and learned from.

You'll see the sun come shining through - for you.
Light up your face with gladness,
Hide ev'ry trace of sadness,
Although a tear may be ever so near,
That's the time you must keep on trying,
Smile- What's the use of crying?
You'll find that life is still worthwhile,
If you just smile.

"Smile" by Charlie Chaplin

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