12 June 2010


I lay awake knowing I'm leaving the west coast in a couple days. Exactly how many days? I don't know. Why? I might stop by another state before heading to Bethesda.

This is crazy. It's insane. It's illogical. I get it. But why am I still considering it?

I'm impulsive. I act on instinct. I follow my heart. I don't have reasons for my actions, at least not anything I can easily describe. I've fallen so many times without being caught that I'm used to it. Fuck yes, I'm scared. The first night you told me to take a chance on you. But what you don't understand is that I've taken chances on so many boys who never intended to stay. What's the difference?

Show me the difference. I'm discombobulated. I'm scattered. You're so, so far away.

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