03 June 2010

Greece 2010.

Photo courtesy of Jeanette SInh.

A lot can happen in the span of 11 days. The Greece trip with Jeanette was LEGEN... wait for it. DARY.

I met new family, saw the beauty of Athens, Santorini, Mykonos, and Ios, ate delicious meals, and drank the nights away. I live with no regrets and this trip will forever live in my memory. From Spiros to Starney Binson, from roomies to Acropolis, from shopping to sunsets, from ferry rides to landscapes, from windmills to bar hopping, from tanning to watching flip cup, from videos to engagements, the adventure was spectacular. I've made new friends from around the nation as well as strengthened my friendship with one of my longtime friends, Jeanette Sinh. I remember her telling me, "I'm going to miss Greek Jeanette. Los Angeles Jeanette was boring. Greek Jeanette is so much fun." In a way, this is true. We all unleashed a side of us that no one really sees in reality. We were vulnerable to everything Greece and we shared this experience with one another. I guess that's why we miss each other so much. It was like a reverse culture shock when we returned to our current hometowns. Our eyes have been opened to such happiness only to return to the lifestyle that once was enough for us. In Athens, we bonded with the local Greeks, heard their stories, saw a little bit of what they saw everyday. In Santorini, we saw just how beautiful a sunset can really be, we climbed a volcano, smelled the sulfur from its core, some jumped into the sea to swim to the hot springs, we all sailed on a beautiful boat, visited the small, awe-inspiring village of Thirasia, climbed up to Oia, and saw a beautiful Greek man. In Mykonos, we lived it up in the Skandinavian bar and the Bar Down Under. We danced, we lived freely, we truly let go. Flip cup was played, Paradise Beach was visited, and the town of Mykonos will never look the same. Personally, Mykonos holds a very special place in my heart. I got to know the town, got a Henna tattoo with people I will forever keep in my heart, joked around with a clown with perverse skills, and bonded deeply with someone special. In Ios, (although I look at it with anger) we met Australians and Canadians. Flip cup was played yet again, mimosa domination (in Lauren's words) was done, detox failures were glorious, engagements were made, commitment was thrown onto the table. I know that the feelings I felt in Greece will forever be felt in my heart. It is as if I left a part of myself in those towns, as well as found a lot of myself there. No matter where we all are in a week, in a month, in years, I know I will always look back at my Greek family with love - with genuine feelings of gratitude, caring, and happiness.

This trip has further ignited my faith that everything happens for reason. To my Greek family, thank you for the adventures.

1 comment:

Rocio said...

awww... looks like you really enjoyed yourself. i'm glad.