27 June 2010


On Friday, 6/25, I decided to take a chance. I got out of bed, walked to the Metro Station, and followed wherever the wind blew me towards. Where did I end up? Washington, D.C., of course! &Not just that - I found myself in front of the White House! It's such a liberating feeling to know I can just get up and venture out anywhere. I'd like to thank my Greece trip. In the words of Jeanette Sinh, "After being in Greece, no where in the world feels too far away." &It's true. I find myself in Bethesda, MD. I find myself enrolled in the Rapid Rewards for Southwest Airlines. This Summer, I found myself in Athens, Mykonos, Santorini, Ios, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Nashville, Orlando, Virginia, and now Maryland. If you asked me last year what I'd be doing in the Summer of 2010, I would have probably said going to parties in Los Angeles and venturing my town again. However, I would have been quite wrong. That's the thing with life - you think one thing will happen &something totally new occurs instead. &Being me, that would frustrate me. I'm the kind of person that plans everything. If something goes wrong, I'm sad about it for quite a while. (I'll post a quote soon of what my cousin told me.) This year, I have found that "good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

I try not to attach myself to an idea or a plan anymore. If you don't expect anything, you won't be disappointed. Going with the flow isn't such a bad thing. Come on, I thought I was going to become a nurse, marry my high school sweetheart &become a housewife &mother by the time I turn 22. Less that 4 months till my 21st birthday, we can all see that that dream can no longer come true. (Well, it can, but that's not my dream anymore.) When that relationship ended, I was devastated. However, that was only because I didn't know what my future would look like. &Look at me now, I have amazing friends, went to Hawaii, Sydney, Greece, and am now living on the east coast. If things don't work out with the Medical Scientist program, if I lose some friends, it'll still be okay. I still have faith. I guess that's what my point is. I needed to get through all of that tough stuff to get to where I am now. I'm not saying I'm wise or anything, I have learned that I'm so far from that. I'm saying that I believe I'm exactly where I need to be at this moment. &This feeling is absolutely liberating. Hey, I might find myself in Atlanta in a couple days. Or Orlando. Or NYC. I don't know. &Not knowing is wonderful at the moment.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Oh honey! 1. I LOVE DC! So much history and it's gorgeous. I could spend days just wondering around that city. 2. Greece/Italy had the same effect on me. I sooo want to go back. I just wish I could travel like you are.
Confession: I still want you to come home now lol :) <3