25 September 2008

The Heart of the Matter.



"I've been learning to live without you now, but I miss you sometimes. The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning them again."

I LOVE those lyrics - incredibly.

But moving on...

I am moving on from everything. It's an exhilarating feeling, yet new. &With new comes fear. However, I don't believe I have that fear - @least not anymore. I am extremely tired of being in situations that, honestly, I don't have to be in. i.e. Situations regarding family, boys, relationships, friendships. &I once &for all am ridding myself of this. I do deserve to be happy. I'm taking matters into my own hands.

Last weekend was just a... relapse, a moment of weakness. A breakdown. &I'm stronger for it.

Truthfully, I don't need a guy - or anyone, for that matter - to control my happiness, especially if I'm not even happy anymore. I don't need the one. @Least, not now.

Fuck man, I'm YOUNG. &I'm much happier now anyways.

Like I said before, I'm getting back to me. I don't need anyone to justify my life &why I'm living. Yet, unlike before, I'm not saying it in an EMO, depressed, "Oh-my-gosh, I-don't-know-what-I'd-do-if-I-get-hurt" way. Okay, I got hurt. It sucks, but I'm over it now. (I would still want to talk, though.) We learn from our mistakes, right? So, the Great Wall of China, it is.

So thank you very much for the adventure.

&I still - &always will - love you.

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