02 September 2008

How Much for Happy.


from albert.cantaloupe.

He is my unconventional, extraordinary source of happiness. I wasn't looking for anything - much less, anyone - to live for, to complete me, to save me from myself. He sorta just... happened. He stumbled into my life randomly, I thought. I've opened my eyes to many different perspectives due to him. He shows me it's OK to act cooky &idiosyncratic. He pushes me to open up. He makes me comfortable. He, himself, is very comfortable.

He would give anything for anyone he is close to. There is a warmth &a passion inside that draws me closer - if ever possible.

I want him to know that I believe distance, time apart, &busyness can still leave our "relationship" untainted &unbreakable. I believe in communication. I believe in reassurance. Insecurities are difficult to overlook, but the ability for one person to, not constantly, but meaningfully assure the other of their intentions would be good enough. I know sometimes it seems like I don't really care &don't put too much effort, but it's only because my mind is still thinking that I have to play a game as a guard - a game I had to learn after persistently getting damaged. Show me otherwise.

I hope it's known that I do know that many of the little battles I choose are not because of you, but because of me. It's something in me, an insecurity or two, that makes me push you away.

But I want you to hold on a little bit longer. This is what I'm doing - what I'm trying whole-heartedly to do.

This is how much it is for happy.

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