06 October 2008

Lack of Interest.

This part of my life is called "Lack of Interest," in many aspects than one.

There is a recent lull in my life, most probably due to the loss of motivation. However, not in a way in which I am failing what I am doing (eg: academics, work, being me.), rather in a way where it is potentially in my radar. Not good. Not cute either. Maybe I'm just burning out, or maybe it's just October. Either way, I need to snap out of it.

I have my priorities straight &whatnot, I think that I'm just not acting on them. Contradictory? Maybe so. I'm just so used to this whole routine that it's just plain, old boring. So, why overachieve when you can just pass?

I need a change. I need a surprise. I need spontaneity in my life. ADVENTURE. I'm immensely tired of the "same old, same old."

Now, the question is "How?" I guess that's something I need to ponder about more. Ehh.

"You know the problem, now find a solution."

My solution is: 1) Take up the offer of becoming night manager @Crate &Barrel. Show them my potential, accept the challenge. 2) Pick up an English minor. Get to learn more about something I love, while also thinking about my future (eg: having to write research papers, Medical School essays, applications, the whole nine.). 3) Become consistent in visiting the gym. (Haha, yes this is more of a personal goal, yet it also gives me a challenge physically. Anyways, working out equals energy. &It also equals endorphins. Oh, how I love thee.) &Lastly, 4) Generally, just be more open to try new things, meet new people, &be more... casual(?).

I'm taking matters into my own hands. This includes no expectations (which ultimately means, no disappointment.).

Well, there you have it: my solution to the lull. I am disciplined, I am focused. I am motivated. All I need to do is prove it.

Now this part of my life right here - this is called "Getting Back Up Again." Becoming me.

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