13 October 2008


I haven't blogged in what seems like AGES. To me, @least.

Currently, I am just trying to get all my work done for this weekend, which starts Wednesday night for me. I planned many events, &hopefully @least half will go through!

This year is particularly different for me because I am actually excited about my birthday. If you don't know me, that's an incredible phenomenon. I am taking initiative, taking matters into my own hands. &Hopefully, it doesn't bite me in the ass. I've also learned to laugh more, even when I'm stuck in situations that aren't the most advantageous or the most comfortable.

I've learned more to not dwell on things, especially things that I don't have control over. I understand that now... after many failed attempts @controlling it. The world is horrible, unfair, filled with sorrows &despair, but being happy in the midst of all of that is the main point. Finding the good in things &relishing on that is extremely important. With any luck, I'll remember this.

One month ago, I would have never imagined that position I would be in today. (No, that is NOT what she said. hahaha.) 1) A great friend of mine is back in my life, which is very unexpected, but welcomed. Very welcomed. 2)Work is very interesting @the moment... Maybe because I never really had any expectations for it. 3)Embracing full singleness (yet again) is amazing &I have no idea why I thought the opposite is so great. Well, actually I do, but I just need to make sure the thrilling moments outweigh the stress... Which it usually doesn't, so... Lesson learned!

Random, I know.

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