30 November 2008



I know what we have is dead and gone. I just wonder, do you ever think of me anymore? Do you?

When you go to the same events, visit the same places, talk to the same people, &do the exact same things, doesn't it make you remember?

I get that no one can avoid anything the rest of their lives. &I am absolutely &completely happy for you. I would just like some consideration on your part for my feelings.

I've learned to keep things private. I've learned to make new memories. I've learned to move on. Once in a while, it crosses my mind - how things went down. You were such a huge part of my life that it's impossible to just entirely rid you from my mind. However, I've also learned that I deserve better. I'm not gonna be held down due to something that didn't last.

Relationships with guys: Ehh. It's the relationship I have with my family, my friends, &more importantly, how I treat myself that is of great significance. When the one comes, I'll know - thanks to the lessons I've learned from you. I still haven't found him yet &that's ok. If she's the one, then great. Congratulations.

I was just wondering... Do you?

25 November 2008

Miss Independent.


She's fly effortlessly.

How did I get here? To being so torn, that is. I still don't believe I've lost myself in all this. I've just stopped taking care of myself. Not physically, academically, professionally, or anything of that sort. Yet, the major aspect remains: emotionally. Sometimes I forget about that aspect in my life, mainly because I let it control me behind closed doors. It doesn't get in the way of my physical health, academics, or work. However, it does slowly become something larger, mostly due to my passiveness &inability to just let it all out. That's actually a different story. Let's get back to my main point.

All my life, I had to learn for myself to not be dependent on many people. I mean, it just wasn't really possible for me to become dependent on anyone or anything when I was younger, due to the instability of things. Yet, I learned. &I'm definitely fine with it because I've understood for some time now that this just makes me stronger. Independence, right?

Well, I have recently fallen in love with an incredible person. I'm ready for a relationship. I want a relationship. But does that take away my independence? Does that make me dependent on the person? That's the struggle I've been having lately. I value my independence so much &I wouldn't have myself be any other way. But I also know I can't control how I feel about someone. As much as I'd like to put reason above emotion, I'm an emotional gal (as if you couldn't tell already). However, I know when enough is enough &I have my boundaries.

To quote the amazingly great Mariana, "Wanting to be in a relationship is different from needing to be in a relationship." I don't need you to be with me... I don't need to be with you. I want to be with you &if you're not ready, OK. I'll always be by your side as the girl behind everything. I'm still gonna get my shit done &stay the person I am, but I will not drop everything if this doesn't work out... Or even if it does.

&That's what makes me independent. Although shit happens, situations change, I fall in love, I still am who I am. I'm still motivated, determined. I am disciplined, I am focused.

Baby, don't get it twisted.

23 November 2008

No One on the Line.

I stare at the phone, he still hasn't called &then you feel so low you can feel nothing at all. And you flashback to when he said he would try &it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong. It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone.

I keep waiting for something to give, but that something is always me. Baby, it's a fine line, but you're taking your sweet time.

I try sooo hard &treat him so well. But why do I do it when I don't get anything in return? I just don't like playing games, so I'll tell you how it is. I despise this feeling of getting dragged along.

When I'm in the right state of mind, I see that this is all so pathetic. Come on, working this hard and not even getting the least bit in return? Let's be real, Christia, it's unsatisfactory &utterly pitiful. But when I'm in the state of mind that I usually am in [&I don't want to necessarily call it the wrong state of mind, but..] I still feel this is going to pay off. I am not going to stop/end this. I don't like to control that... because I stay till the end. If this is going to be put to a stop, you do it because I don't let go. Spell it out for me, keep on treating me this way. But do not be inconsistent. Because that... that's leading me on &giving me false hopes.

You're not sure that you can love me, but you're not sure enough to let me go. Baby it ain't fair, you know? To just keep me hangin' 'round.

You say you don't wanna hurt me, don't wanna to see my tears. So why are you still standing here, just watching me drown? You not making up your mind is killing me and wasting time. I need so much more than that.

And it's alright, yeah I'll be fine. Don't worry 'bout this heart of mine, just take your love and hit the road. There's nothing you can do or say, you're gonna break my heart anyway. So just leave the pieces when you go
. -The Wreckers - Leave the Pieces.

Sometimes, song lyrics just do it much better.


19 November 2008

Tell Me Why.

You might think I'm bulletproof, but I'm not. You tell me that you love me, then you cut me down. Why do you have to put down my dreams when you're the only thing on my mind?

This love is difficult, but it's real. I don't know if there's anything wrong - if I'm doing something wrong - but I hate feeling like I'm being pushed away. &That's what he's doing. I know he sees what he's doing to me... Just tell me why.

I've learned in the past year that I just don't like playing games. I like you, I'll tell you. If I want to see you, you'll know. If I miss you, it's obvious. It definitely has its cons, mainly because I'm out there - open to being hurt, used, and incredibly vulnerable. I risk it because I know I'm happy when I'm with you &I'm pretty sure you feel the same. I'd rather be with you than make you wait &pretend I'm not thinking about you when I'm alone. I feel like I know him a little more this time &it's getting better. ...I just hope this isn't false hope, you know? You know how the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I don't want to regret this. I don't want to be fooled &be left broken-hearted again.

I think I'm ready. Blunt. Out in the open. Unmistakable.

Now, you - tell me why.

PS: Hi, Riddhilove<3.

17 November 2008

Writer's Block.

So I heard that freestyle writing - writing whatever comes to mind that includes, but is not limited to, feelings, current situations, randomness - helps overcome writer's block. I have a paper for my Philosophy Theory of Knowledge class due tomorrow. Ugh. It's on KNOWLEDGE - "What I Know and Why/How I Know It." Great. Absofuckinglutely great.

Knowledge? I don't seem to have much of that lately, mostly a priori knowledge... Logic, common sense. Nope and nope. I've just been off lately &I don't see why. Last week, I was great. I got my work done &did everything my schedule told me to do. I didn't skip classes, work @the Business Office, or - more importantly - work @Crate. But this week... Oh no. I think I've mostly turned school mode off and winter break mode on. &I highly do not recommend this, mainly because I have shit to do. Hence, the "punishment" - sitting outside my room in the hallway rather than comfortable inside.

Maybe that's the problem... I need to get more comfortable.

Ugh, boring post... I know. I'll update with the juicyness later.


10 November 2008

Category Mistake.

According to Gilbert Ryle, it is a mistake that shows you don't understand what kind of thing (category) something is. For example, asking the question "Is the law legal?" is a blatant category mistake. For someone to ask this, they may not understand the meaning of legal, or more importantly, the meaning of the law.

The question that I constantly ask is "Is this territory - the territory between friends and dating - a real relationship?" To analyze this question further, we must understand the meaning of a real relationship. A relationship is a connection between two people - at least the kind of relationship I am speaking of. However, a real relationship - as defined by me, &hopefully by most - is one where there is mutual caring, understanding, and effort by the two parties in question. Pretty easy, right? Now, we must look to the definition of the territory I mentioned... "between friends and dating." Now that... that cannot even be defined as a word. There's a connection and some sort of relationship there, but what is it? Red flag: it cannot even be described. It is possible the rules for it may be frequently changed by one party or the other. &This changing of rules... this is not a mutual caring, understanding, or effort, to say the least. This is a category mistake to ask this question because it does not even come close to the grounds of a real relationship. This territory is blurred, undefinable, unreal.

Now what to do with this unreal relationship? Although this territory cannot be described, it is still a territory I am stuck in. Am I okay being stuck here? Am I okay with the uncommitment? Am I okay with the longing? Am I okay with the constant changing of rules? Am I okay with the person this situation is forming me into?

I am not always unhappy. There are days, moments, nuances that make me hold on - that make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. But, honestly, there are also times when I feel like, "Is this all there is?" Specifically, "Is this all I can get from him?" I don't believe it because I see it and feel it on the times we spend alone. The truth is, no one really can understand us. &That - that is where the downfall lies. Who is able to tell me I have to let go? I don't want to.

But am I making a category mistake when I ask "Can I hold on to something that is not defined as being there?"

03 November 2008

In Love.

It’s a shame I didn’t meet him before because, now, I wanna see him more than I should. Who's to blame when he’s always on my mind? And I’d see him all the time if I could. And I hope that he cares about me because I know that I care for him. I just wanna hold his hand, be his. I wanna know if he’d take a chance.

If i could plan the perfect day, love, then I would start it just like this: Good morning.
