10 April 2009


Photography by albert.cantaloupe.

Do my best with faith that's never-ending. I'm truly blessed for everything you've given me; Blessed for all the tenderness you show. Do my best with every breath that's in me.

It's been a hell of a week. At the end of it, I see how blessed I am to have friends to help me out and to literally keep me sane, my family to check up on me once in a while, schoolwork to test my limits, and the ability to reflect back on past experiences and learn from them. I like where I am, I'm happy to see who I've become, and I love the challenges I'm taking on. (No, I still haven't found out about the thing I want soo badly.)

This past week, I've been put in situations where I should have kept my mouth shut. No, I wasn't being blunt or saying any bad remarks about anyone or anything. I was just, you know... talking. &Those close to me know I do it a lot. I just have to be more careful. haha. I do not believe in coincidences. Let's just say that.

These next few weeks will be incredibly stressful. I know I'll get a roller coaster ride out of it. @Least it'll be more manageable than emotional rides.

I'm focused, baby. I'm disciplined. All because I'm blessed.

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