22 April 2009

Portions for Foxes.

I know I'm alone if I'm with or without you, but just being around you offers me another form of relief. &It's bad news. Baby I'm bad news. I'm just bad news, bad news, bad news. The talking leads to touching. Then, touching leads to sex &then there is no mystery left. I don't blame you. I do the same thing - I get lonely too.

Jealousy. Anger. Lust. Attraction. Misery. Desire. What drives us to move on? What keeps us down? I'm a woman of many emotions - many forces that determine my actions. Your heart has a pace. Moving on is relative. These emotions push us &hinder us. From first-hand experience, I know that hanging on to the nearest guy after a break-up or fall-out is not the best idea. It doesn't allow you to move on. It bottles up the emotions you don't want to deal with. Jealousy hurts. Believeeeee me. It can eat you up inside. Lust and attraction are only temporary distractions that may cause regrets.

If there is a "moving on too fast," there's also a "moving on too slow," no? It gets old to hang on to the same person who obviously shows no interest in you whatsoever. It gets old to hold on hope for someone who treated you well for two minutes. We just have to know ourselves well enough to give us some time to recuperate &love ourselves enough to move on when the time is right.

I see how we can get stuck in all these emotions. The desire to have someone close. The desire to keep the one that left us near. We're just all left as portions for foxes.

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