15 April 2009

I Think I Might Like the Quiet Nights of This Empty Life.

She's your pretty portrait. I'm your wrinkled photograph. She's your straight face. I'm your need to laugh and cry.

My current obsessions that I'd like everyone who loves lyrics, music, art to know are the albums, Duffy - Rockferry &The Wreckers - Stand Still-Look Pretty. Burn me the CDs &I'll honestly love you forever. ♥

I need someone who gets me. Someone who fully gets me &all my aspects. I think that's what I miss the most - someone who understands and notices my subtleties. If you truly know me, you know I'm a perfectionist @the little things. Not a perfectionist @organizing or anything, but a perfectionist in the details. It's not a one-way train. I definitely notice other people's body languages and random conversations. Maybe that's what makes me a good gift-giver? I have yet to find someone who notices the little things as much as I do. Actually, scratch that. I have &it didn't work out. I think this trait is @the top on my list. It keeps you thinking, attracts the "you-you," and provides a deeper element in a relationship.

But for now, I'll stick to taming my own mind. I think I'll bliss in this quiet emptiness. I'm again left undiscovered.

1 comment:

Riddhi<3 said...

I get you, fully. &if I were a boyyy, you'd totally want me. :]