26 April 2009

Rock Star.

You think the way you live is okay. You think posing will save the day. You think we don't see that you're running. Better call your boys cuz I'm coming. You can't be me - I'm a rock star.

I'm sick &tired of all these bitches - yes, bitches - running their mouths thinking they know their shit. I have to admit right now that I talk shit, too. Everyone does. However, I know that I don't know everything about someone, so I always give them the benefit of the doubt. Yet, when they constantly act the way they do without any regard for anyone around them, that's fucked up. I'm tired of keeping my mouth shut. Maybe these girls need to. It's my turn now.

#1: I am a smart, knowledgable lady with lots of potential. I know my weaknesses, &I know being smart &knowledgable is a strength of mine. I work hard for what I get. I try my hardest &always push myself to do better. That's just how I'm wired. I hate it when I hear - indirectly, but from greatly trusted sources - people don't think I deserve what I get. That I'm not smart. That I shouldn't get what I deserve. That I don't even work. That's a fucking slap in the face. I get my shit done &am totally OCD about it, too. If work has my name on it, it better be the shit. So when someone makes a judgment call on me or my work without getting to know me or seeing my work, it's ridiculous. It's crazy talk. I'm not just gonna rant about this &let it bother me, however. I'm not like that either. I'm ready to show you what I have. What do you have? I'm ready to prove you wrong. It's a hobby of mine. My pet peeve: being underestimated. Don'tttttt underestimate me. A warning for your ego.

#2: Bitches think they can talk smack literally behind my back. Seriously??! Seriously? I believe I am a normally considerate person. Not uber considerate, but not inconsiderate. I always plan things around someone else. I make sure not to disturb or inconvenience anyone around me. I say "please" &"thank you." I study in the hallway so my roommate can get some sleep even though it's uncomfortable as hell out there, especially compared to my own bed. So when there are times I decide to stay in my own room, it should be understandable, right? Well, I guess fucking not. I'm done with being the quiet doormat in the corner. There's only 2 more weeks of school left, but if this is going to continue, I need to make a stop to it now. You're bullshit, demented, &soooo soooo wrong. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's gonna fucking burst like a little girl chewing bazooka bubble gum. hahhh.

#3: Out of all the girls, her?! You've got to be kidding me. Just my luck, right? I always try to give her the benefit of the doubt. I really do try. However, she can't even smile back. You know, when you're walking down the hall &see someone you sorta know, you smile @them, just to be nice. When they stare you down, look right through you &walk away countless times, it's time to make a distinct judgment call on them. &her?! Do what you do. Don't come running when you find out there's no one better than me.

I'm done moving aside for everyone, especially when they treat me like shit when they don't even know me. Everyone needs to be checked once in a while. I'm done paving the way for you when you can't even respect me. I'm just allowing people to use me &step all over me when obviously that's not how much I'm worth. I've lost energy in allowing your ego to stay where it is while diminishing mine. I have a voice &I'm going to use it. I'm fucking amazing &you should know it. Recognize this.

1 comment:

Rocio said...

Having problems with her? One thing I won't miss i guess. Sucks that she's talking behind your back. She should appreciate how nice you are, considering she's so hard to get along with.