28 July 2009

Hit Me.

It's been a little more than a year since that photo was taken. Caught up with Andreu tonight. It's hella crazy how much time has gone by &how much time will continue to go by.

He's leaving for Thailand in two weeks. Gonna be @San Diego &San Francisco these coming days. Graduating in May. Year off. Master's right after. &To think, I'm just one year behind him. Soon, I'll be in my last year of MD/Phd. It's gonna be fucking crazyyy. It already is! Australia in two &a half weeks. Moving in to school a week later. Fall semester beginning. MARC Program. Florida, perhaps, in Spring. Grand Tour of Europe in Summer. Summer Research @a different college. Senior year. DAMN. Butttttt, I may not even graduate in four years, but still. Just writing all that down is mind-boggling. Yes, it's written, but what's gonna happen in between all that. You know? Are we gonna change? Are relationships gonna form? Break apart? It's all so scary. Time just goes by so fast - It just hit me.

I'm definitely gonna miss this Summer. I'm happy to have had a "LA Summer Adventure!" Summer this year. Next year, it'll be a "traveling everywhere" Summer. After that, it'll be MCATs &all that jazz. I don't think it'll ever be this chill again. Two &a half more weeks &I'll be catapulted to Fall &the future. Ughhh.

But - don't you love this feeling of dread &excitement twisted together? Hit meee. ♥

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