14 November 2009

D is for Douchebags.

You move your hand across my knee, turn me into some novelty. Did you ever take the time to think about who I might be? Where I've been? What I'm thinking? Who I love? What I've seen? I guess I'm one more girl on a stage, just one more ass that got stuffed in some jeans &its one more day that you don't find true love.

I was engulfed with the sensation of fear this past week. Everything was all confirmed today. It wasn't a fear of dying, losing someone, or disappointing. It was a fear of the unknown - of what I wanted to keep as unknown. It was dread inside of me based on me - or rather, my body.

It's difficult enough to be a woman. It's difficult to constantly be stared at, noticed. It doesn't give me a sense of happiness when I know the sole thing these men are thinking about is me minus the clothes. They look past the intelligence, the strength, the determination of most women &turn them into some trinket.

It's easier for other beautiful girls without the "major distractions" to become more in-depth with others. To be noticed for their personality. To be fully appreciated for who they are. However, women like me are frequently harassed by douchebags, jerks, and little boys. Charm, game, and lies are introduced in the conversation. For someone naive, this all looks glittery and shiny - until the day they realize they were used and violated. Just because a girl has "big tits," "a nice ass," "a bangin' body," or a "cute face" doesn't mean you can take advantage of their beauty to show off to your other douche friends. We are not some free land you can conquer only for you to abandon a couple days later.

No, to my knowing, I have not been taken advantage of yet. I am not ignorant of these types of little boys. However, "with power, comes more responsibility." With more features, come more creeps.

I want to hide under a rock for all eternity, but that's just another way of defeat. If anything is tried, you better fucking know you'll be put in your place. There's more to me, baby, that you wish you will never see.

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