17 November 2009



Church setting. White and light teal. Tulips &lilies. The epitome of grandeur and romanticism. Clear complexion. Watery eyes. "I do."

It's what I yearn for - a far-off dream similar to my little-girl desire to be Pocahontas when I grow up. Although the latter may never happen, the former is a possibility that narrows with every day that passes. I hear it all the time: "we have the rest of our lives to find the one." But honey, do you understand that this is what my heart lives for? Do you understand that with every "wrong place, wrong time" scenario that befalls upon me, it crushes my belief in the one? Don't get me wrong, I perpetually have hope &resilience, but that little sparkle in my eye - the aspiration that I have engraved in my heart &mind since the age of three (yes, that may be an exaggeration) - shimmers a little less.

It's the worst time to be looking. I resist myself from looking. The clues that used to be around me to lead me to you are no longer visible. I'm still here. It may seem like I'm not, but dig a little deeper. As hard as I try, I can't envision my future without you.

I might have to wait.
I'll never give up.
I guess it's half timing,
&The other half's luck.
Wherever you are.
Whenever it's right.
You'll come out of nowhere &into my life.

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