02 November 2009

A Lesson in Class.

We're distinctive, extraordinary, unrivaled, incomparable. It should be obvious to see. No, this isn't a "let's all be cocky" type of moment. This is an "open your eyes" instant. I know a ton of great girls who are worthy of anyone's time &yet, they constantly get hurt &are mistreated. It's ridiculous to assume that, just because we give you a second of our time, that we're down to satisfy your sexual, physical, barbarian urges.

You spend enough time with us to notice, I'm sure. However, there must be some wires in your head that have been singed or wired incorrectly so much that you turn around and cross the line - whatever that line may signify. Whether it be making inaccurate assumptions, taking things too fast, or send signals that convey unfelt feelings, there is no excuse for your uncontrolled behavior. So please, don't try.

We're intelligent young women who think twice before we speak, can hold a legitimate conversation, and take care of your belligerence while simultaneously holding our liquor, knowing quality marijuana, and look cute while doing it all. How many girls can do this? Honestly?

Know a good thing when it's in front of your face. Treat us like the great girls we are because Lord knows we are beyond comparisons. However, if you like settling for your constant one night stands, teases, no-depth ladies who bat their eyelashes and giggle at every word you say, then do what you have to do. We'll live.

So who are we exactly? Your friends, the girls who round up your "crew" when you're not in the right state of mind. The girls who let you lay your head on their shoulder when you're getting tired. The girls who you always find yourself with when the party's dead and you're tired of the superficiality of your other conversations (if ever that finally happens). The girls who fulfill your intelligent needs. The girls who, by the end of the night, you're not thinking of when you're hitting on some short-skirted, tank-top wearing, slutty bumblebee. The ones who are there when you're passed out or when you've made a fool out of yourself in front of the girl who cares about the way her hair looks. We're more than all of that &you know it because you always find yourself with us in the end - either by the end of a struck-out night or the hungover morning.

Open your eyes &maybe you'll see we're women who won't bring in the drama, who know exactly what you want &how you want it. If only you could get all of this through your big, beer goggle-wearing head, then you'll find the real thrill in all of this - a thrill that will last more than the 30 seconds it took for you to take off her clothes. We don't yearn for your attention - we know there are more mature men out there. Just clear your glasses to find that the real, genuine women you're subconsciously looking for is right there - all around you. But maybe the glisten of the other girl's legs were too much of a distraction for you to see.

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