04 March 2010

True Colors.

I'll be going to Greece from May 20 - May 30 !!!
Now that's a relief.

I cannot be any more grateful for the people I have in my life. As a recollection, the past couple weeks were tough on me. It has been better since then &this is all because of the great support system backing me up. Feeling helpless, worthless, &undeserving is never a feeling I want anyone in the universe to feel. Without being able to talk about this to my closest friends, I don't know how I would have been able to hold on. I can honestly say that I saw all my friends' true colors. I learn from every single one of them every day. Every day is a challenge &I know that I am strong enough to embark on this journey of life. One of my closest friends told me, "Maybe all the tribulations you've encountered in the past &the rough times you're seeing now is only a small price to pay for your huge aspirations." This is all a test on me &my priorities. The only constants were school &family. I continue to achieve all that I desire in academics. I see that blood runs thicker than all.

These next two months are going to be a struggle, no doubt. However, I will hurdle over them in order to get to the greener, brighter side: Greece &Summer research.

I'm not alone &I will not take all my achievements, my potential, my learned life lessons &experiences for granted. I am stronger for realizing I needed help &have obtained it. Only I have the power to change &control myself, just like you do unto you. I thank all of those who have been there for me &continue to be here for me. However, I do not thank you for getting me to this point. I know I am where I need to me - &this is because of God's/the universe's/Allah's help.

My true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow. ♥

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