08 December 2008

Love Don't Live Here Anymore.

Well baby, you can try to tell me how it is &try to justify everything you did. But, honey, I'm no fool &I've been down this road too many times with you. I think it's best you go.

I learned a lesson yesterday from a coworker: It only gets better. I've heard it many times before; however, this time, it finally hit me. What's the rush? I'm not going to take anything too seriously now, we're young &I'm okay with that. In a few more years, I'll be able to fully appreciate the different aspects in my life better.

Being home this weekend didn't hurt either. It actually makes me happy to be with my family. I learned that projecting my emotions away from my family &towards another person isn't a solution to my family problems. All I can really do is face it &help the best I can. Xie [my older brother] is definitely a huge support in my life &to him, I am eternally grateful. My relationship with him is a relationship that I treasure. I can never fully describe my admiration &love for him.

Love lives here with my family♥ now.

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