09 December 2008



I am appreciative of my core, those who stick by me through my constant roller coaster ride I call my life. It's not always easy to watch me go through my tough times, when it's me against myself. Regularly, they are the only ones who see me with bloodshot eyes due to hours of crying, exhausted from long days/nights at work, or down due to my lack of luck. Not only do they endure seeing me this way, they also are responsible for brightening my day, which is extremely difficult to do. Just ask them. I don't know how they do it, but they do. Their unconditional love for others around them, including me, is what makes me unconditionally love them in return. &That's the truth. They are my rock, my support, my core. They understand me immensely &still decide they want to be in my life. That - that's incredible. Words are incapable to fully convey my feelings &utter gratitude for them. I thank God every time I get a chance for giving me my great friends, &I also pray for them as well. It's the cliche of all cliches, but without them, I wouldn't know where I would be today. Some motivate me and some are my role models; however, all are my inspirations.

That brings me to the next point. These people pictured above know me at least from a certain extent and beyond; their words, advice, &guidance are what I treasure whole-heartedly. I take their opinions seriously because I know that they wouldn't want to see me hurt or go in a wrong path in life. I trust them very much because of all the hardships we have gone through together. &Oh, have there been hardships! However, other people - people I don't know too well, or rather, don't know me too well - are somewhat disregarded. They don't know what I have gone through, the inner-workings of my mind, or the details in the situations I have gone through. To pass judgment when these people - ignoramuses - have a lack of understanding for me, or for the specifics of my life, is unheard of. Get it? Unheard of. Hence, no one will be listening, especially when they are childish, shady, immature, &cowardly (to say the least) enough to pass on explicit adjudications Anonymously. If these people are equivalent to the people pictured above, then maybe I would have taken it to heart.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you. :]