30 December 2008

Better in Time.


It's time I let you go so I can be free &live my life how it should be. I thought I couldn't live without you - it's gonna hurt when it heals, too. &Even though I really love you, I'm gonna smile cause I deserve to. It'll all get better in time.

2008 has been a year of moving on. I've learned this year that time heals all &it's best if one doesn't let the past hold them back. Holding on to it is only destructive. The only thing we're able to do is learn from our mistakes &take a step forward from it. Life isn't long &there will be pain, but life goes on - with or without you. We might as well live it to the fullest with the people we love. I've moved on this year from all that I dwelled on from the year past. 2007 was a scary, unbelievable, unexpected, cold year. &This year, I was given the chance to get over it. &I have. &I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped me - those who taught me that it's okay to speak my mind &to be blunt, that it's okay to smile during the worst days ever, that it's okay to work hard &play hard later, that it's ok to grow and live life. Yes, I've gone through a lot, but I get myself back up again and become stronger. &I'm proud of that - terribly. It's bittersweet. It hurts. It goes away &you're able to see how good life can really be. So thank you - you know who you are. You're truly appreciated &I hope that I have impacted your life at least a fraction of how much you all have impacted mine. Thank you, I love you.

Now, 2009 will be an interesting year, but I'm ready for it - for the hardships, the laughs, the drama (ughhhh), the kickbacks, the morning-afters, the drunken nights/days, the hangovers, the surprise visits, the consequences, the fun, the adventures.

&I hope you would like to share them with me again... or for my new friends: let's see how much fun we can really have.

Let the 2009 adventures begin. Bring it.

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