15 December 2008

Sunday Morning.

Sappy, pathetic, little me - that was the girl I used to be. You had me on my knees, I'd trade you places any day. I'd never thought you could be that way, but you looked like me on Sunday. You came in with the breeze on Sunday morning. You sure have changed since yesterday without any warning. I thought I knew you well... so well.

I've come to accept the fact that people just change... most of the time, without any warning.

Anyways, I like this "phase" right now. Sometimes I forget how amazingly wonderful it feels to be content. No frustrating individuals around, no drama to try to overcome, no events that cause self-inflicted wounds. Because I'm sure we all know by now that I like to overanalyze things so much it has become instinctive.

But anyways, I just wanted to update this. I know the past few days have been a crazy, hectic roller coaster ride with finals, the departure from the Mount, people who are absolutely ignorant, &love lost. I've gone through it, determined &focused than ever. Thanks to those who stuck by me &are the reason I am in the state I'm in today... which is absolutely close to perfect.

Thank you, I miss you, I love you.

I had an epiphany on Sunday morning.

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