08 June 2009

Burnt Bridges.

&Yet, out of all the amazing adventures I've been on this Summer, I still am heartbroken. I'm never the one to want to burn bridges, nor the one to watch them burn. I can honestly say I've tried my hardest. "Relationships are effort, I will match your work."

I don't know if we'll ever be the same after this. You're too busy. You can't even call. You can't even text. I'm tired of being the one to remind you. Yes, I can plan, but if there is no reciprocal action, how do I know this isn't a time-filler? You both mean so much to me - I can't even begin to put into words. Our friendship is timeless... @Least I thought it was. However, people change &maybe that's just what happened. I don't want to believe that because we've been through so much &not having time is unacceptable as an excuse. Do not tell me it's because you two are busy because I'm busy, too. Excuses are excuses. If you really want something, you'll get it &you'll make it happen. I can only do so much, bebs. I've always been here for you any time you needed me. A phone call, a text, a message, a wall post away. You seem to have time for others &I'm tired of waiting five months for a reply. I'm tired of waiting for consideration on your part.

Like I said, I don't know if we'll be the same after this. I really hope so. Best case scenario: we grow from this. Worst case scenario: I'll always be there for you two no matter what.

I don't like burning bridges. I won't be the one to do so.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

omg your like my soul sister...i may copy and paste this thing haha what can I say, some people just don't see you for the gem you are. I think it's all those new trendy sunglasses lol.