05 June 2009

I'm in LA, Bitch.

Honestly, where else can you go that has beautiful weather, city life, beaches close enough to feel the breeze, &paparazzi following celebrities everywhere? Today was amazing. Heading to Hollywood, Melrose, Robertson Blvd. @Santa Monica Blvd. in WeHo was the most fun I had in a while. I'm glad I had Tiffani, who was willing to venture out to new places. It has always been something I wanted to do - discovering the "glamorous" &"trendy" part of LA.

Tiffani &my conversation during this journey stumbled along the subject of our goals. I've learned that we are incredibly similar. In experiences, in likes &dislikes, &in thought processes. We're happy where we are. We love to have fun. We try to be independent @any chance we get. We absolutely adore our single lives. We think positive. We yearn for adventure. It made me realize many things, along with the help of our contemplative environment, as well.

It's mind-boggling how I live so close to such a cultured city - socially cultured, yes, but cultured nonetheless. I'm an LA gal. My mentality is also that of a "typical" LA gal. No, not the shopping, spoiled, vain, wasteful portion. However, it's the ambition of LA women that I aspire to have. The ambition to make it to their goals. To stop @nothing to reach the highest point. Plus, they look damn good doing it, too. That's always a plus, no?

Today, I felt like an LA woman. Independent, ambitious, beautiful &accomplished. Maybe, just maybe, I already am one.

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