25 June 2009

Kinda Like a Big Deal.

Pardon me I must say, I'm kinda like a big deal... Lights, cameras, action! The chain itself's a damn distraction. You claim the belt, the glory I bask in.

Shitty picture I know, but what can I say? My mom wanted a photo of me in my lab coat lab gown, according to her. Of course, she still wasn't pleased. "I want one with your whole body! You should be standing!" Full Filipino accent &all. To her, it's a big deal.

To me, it's the biggest deal. I can't even lie about it. I'm @fucking UCLA, excuse my language. I do research @a UCLA Neurology lab. You know, across the street from the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, right next to the genetics research center and in front of the brain mapping building. WTF?! How many people in the world can say that? Sure, I'm just an "intern," but this is a great opportunity for me.

Today, a former intern came in today. He's probably in his early 30s. Dr. Chang was talking about him before she saw him, saying that he started off like me, then went to get his MD/PhD. He did these separately, however. He got his PhD @Northwestern &his MD @Johns Hopkins, which is where he met his fiancee, who also stopped by. They are both doctors and will be working @UCLA. Honestly, what is better than that? Oh yeah, he just finished his residency @Johns Hopkins as well. If you have don't have any clue about anything in the medical field, you should @least know that Johns Hopkins is the #1 Medical School, meaning that it is the hardest, most difficult school to get accepted into. For someone who was once in my shoes to finish from Johns Hopkins is mind-boggling in my minuscule brain. Why, you ask? Because that could be me one day. It hit me right then &there - that could really be me one day. I can be successful by finishing my Bachelor's in Science, receiving my MD/PhD together, going through residency &specializing in Obstetrics &Gynecology. I don't know, just some days I feel like I'm still not good enough. I just need to take a step back &actually be proud of myself &give myself the credit I deserve. Right?

Because, honestly, this is kindaaaa like a big deal. [:

1 comment:

The real deal. said...

Timer, babyy! :] I am BEYOND proud of you! Keep kicking ass, best. <3