26 June 2009

Justification of the BCT.

Boys are fucking ridiculous. Evelyn was right, they say one thing &completely think the other. They're all talk. Thank Goddddd I'm running this. Ugh, they disgust me.

All I'm asking for is for a guy to like smart girls. You'd think that would be pretty logical to them, right? Well, Specimen A: Let's call him Bob. Bob would fuck any girl with a pulse. Honestly? Honestly. It's funny, actually. At least now I can say I know 'one of those.' If he does that, then he has issues. He just wants a body next to him. &Me? I'm not just a body, so get that damn straight. I'm a smart girl. I'm the one you can't even dream about marrying &yet, here I am, giving you a chance. RIDICULOUS.

Shall we move on to Specimen B? Let's call him Scooter. Scooter said all the right things @all the right times. Yet, he said he wasn't ready for anyone. OH &what's the next thing he does? Finds someone. HILARIOUS. @Least now, I can say, 'I've been played.' It's all a learning experience, right?

Last Specimen, Specimen C. One word to describe him: RANDOM. Let's call him Robert. Robert was a fluke, a person I went to @the highest point of my vulnerability - 2 years ago. &Now he's coming back? Did he really think I liked him? Come on, everyone knows it was just a rebound. Fucking random, right? But in the words of Riddhi, "He wants someeee!" Guys are ridiculous!

I guess the best I can do is stick with my Banana-Curve Theory. Here are three prime examples to justify my theory. Thoughts? Questions? Comments?

Gah, I can travel the world to teach this shit.


Anonymous said...

have you ever thought that maybe you're the one that's ridiculous, hilarious, and random?

Christia S. said...

Anonymous -

If you decide to focus on this post rather than any of my recent posts, then it is apparent that you are biased in some way to be attached to this aspect of my life. I'm not the one who fucks every girl that breathes, the one who plays chicks because I don't have any balls or the one that can't move on. So yes, I have considered that [to answer your question]. Am I? I really don't give a fuck because I at least care for other people's feelings.

&I feel that if you have criticisms - whether it be destructive or constructive - just dish it out, without hiding behind "Anonymous."

Butttt, I'm a little busy with much more important matters. Comments are still graciously welcomed. [: I'll get back to you when I can.

The real deal. said...

Thank youu. Love youu! HAHAHA. <3