29 June 2009

Cowgirls Don't Cry.

Cowgirl, don't cry. Ride, baby, ride. Lessons in life show us all in time, too soon God lets you know why. If you fall, get right back on. The Good Lord calls everybody home. Cowgirl, don't cry.

Although we are going through tough times, trying to get back up while we are constantly being kicked down, we ride on through. We find something to laugh about, we find something to have hope about. For her: Australia. For me: Going back to school &the MARC Program. They are two completely different goals, but what do they have in common? They both better ourselves, it allows us to be able to be a part of something more than ourselves. @Least we understand that aspect &don't allow one another to fall deep into depression or do anything so drastic. Yes, we can do one illegal thing, but that's for the fun of it. [: However, we keep each other up &try to help each other see the light @the end of the tunnel [&it's not Stella].

We're not going to be restrained in living our lives. Life goes on, no matter how difficult of a situation you're stuck in. All you can do is take care of yourself. Do only what is best for you... in the long run. We don't understand why all of this is occurring, especially now, but we're going to adjust &allow God to guide us on our paths. We're always going to have our heads held high &laugh about everything. That's just who we are. We never let anyone hold us down. We're better than that.

We're cowgirls.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

but....but...i wanna be a cowgirl too hahaha

i love you both crazy girls no doubt