17 January 2010

"Curiosity is, in great &generous minds, the first passion &the last.”

-Samuel Johnson

What happens when the connection between my thoughts &my writing begins to disintegrate? What happens when emotion is no longer paved with the heart, but with rules? What happens when I no longer know what to do anymore with anything in my life?

Does maturing make you less "fun," less intuitive? Does growing up force you to lose the link to your cheerful childhood? Questions like these scare me everyday. No, not the questions such as "does he like me back?" When's the next guy gonna enter my life? Why are there so many assignments to do in Organic Chemistry? Why can't I become a night manager already?

Ever since I was a young girl, I pondered on these questions. Questions of time, sanity, love, wisdom &true knowledge. Questions like, "Must there be a means to an end?" Do fate &destiny have a role in our lives, or is it all free will? What is the goal we must achieve before we reach the end of our lives? What came first, the chicken or the egg?

What defines priority and importance? Is it all relative? Is it all black &white? I don't know where I'm going with all these questions. I don't even know if I truly want to know the answers. I'm a big picture kind of gal - &I have not 20/20 vision.

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