05 January 2010

Less Gluttony, More Initiative.

Gluttony : |ˈglətn-ē| habitual greed or excess in eating.
I have a problem. No, this isn't a "New Year's Resolution" post. I believe that if you highly desire to make a change in your life, you should just do it & not wait till the New Year. This is more like an epiphany post than anything, if we're labeling.

So, these past few weeks of vacation, I realized that I've been indulging myself in many elements. Not just indulging, however; instead, overindulging. Some of the elements? Sleep. Food. Television. Facebook. My blackberry. My laptop. Gas for my car. Shopping. Spending tons of money on mediocre food. Chocolate. Talking trash. Ice cream. Did I mention food? It's horrible &absolutely disgusting. It's weighing me down, no pun intended. It seems as if I am making plans for myself, but I am not making any of it happen. Yes, I'm an amazing plan-maker &always stick to my word, but when it just involves me, it seems as if I don't actually care. I'm trying to change that. It's less than a week till school starts (Oh dear Lord, help us.) &I need to get back on track. My mind has been wandering, but I'll speak of that later.

I'm just really going to try &get my thoughts in order &this can only begin with initiative. Initiative to get my ass of the bed or sofa. Get my eyes of the TV screen. Put on some running shoes &get out of the house. Initiative to grab my laptop. Get the keys. Sit down in a coffee shop &work on my applications. Initiative to buy my planner. For God's sake, it's the 5th of January &I'm utterly blind to everything without my planner. Initiative to prepare myself for the new semester because we all know it's the fastest semester. I really don't know what has gotten into me recently. We can even maybe track it to last August, but I don't want to get too deep into it without treating this... disease.

No excuses, time to be productive. Time to be me again.

Oh &PS: Yes, I'm over it! Finally.

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