03 January 2010

Quote of the Day.

I think that when you stop looking for perfect, you find perfect.

-Tiffani Sapanghila

After months &months of utilizing this ultra-sensitive word, "perfect", it is clear to me that I used it to describe someone who is heavily flawed &definitely not for me. Slapping myself, shaking myself, &hours of persuading myself to get over him is finally paying off. No, this is not an exaggeration although I tend to overreact many of my actions. Good things come to those who wait - to those who least expect it. However, once you begin expecting it, it's difficult to stop. This is what I am working on.

All I know is that he is definitely not the "perfect" one for me. If I'm missing something in my life, I certainly know now that it is not him - it is the people I miss the most, as well as a higher being that has been unrecognized by me in my life as of late (but that's another story).

I'll complete this aspect of my life soon enough, just not now. At the moment, I am currently keeping myself busy. So, yet again, catch me if you can.

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