26 January 2010

Hello, World of Recluse.

I never thought I'd see the day where I'd follow my word on isolation. Sure, it was a great ideal. However, this year - this semester - it just happened. I've dropped all my social "friends," put myself off the market from these social beings, &honestly, just became a homebody, studying &having fun by losing points in my IQ through television and blogs. It's, in a way, freeing. Yes, isolation can be freeing. I just finished reading Eat, Pray, Love. It's definitely got my name written all over it, as do many of Ms. Gilbert's faithful readers firmly believe as well. Through the book, I also embarked on my journey to understand my motives, find my stance on spirituality, and reward myself with "me" time. I don't know if it was a coincidence, but I highly believe this was not the matter.

These days, I find myself focusing deeply in my school work &applications - more heavily on my applications. Maybe it's to make up for screwing up badly last semester. Maybe I'm tired of the drama &superficiality of the people around me. Maybe it's time for me to reach for a higher goal &use my intellect &true self to keep real friends rather than dumbing myself down to mediocrity. At a certain point in your life, you just realize you're tired &done with everything. &It's never @one point, it's @many, several points in your life. It's you telling yourself, "You gotta do more, honey. This just isn't cutting it. You know you deserve more." &Right now, more is me focusing on my goals &being able to attain them by stepping forward rather than dwindling at the things that have passed me by. &Lord knows it wasn't my fault that they passed me by, they just weren't meant for me.

Maybe I'm just trying to justify my current solitary life. Maybe this is my start to being a hermit crab, I really don't know. I'm content @the moment &that's okay.

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