19 October 2009


Everyone's afraid, but if you don't even try, you'll constantly be left as the loser in this game we're all forced to play. We've all been hurt before, we've all "been there, done that." We can frequently predict how the next relationship is going to turn out, but is that enough to stop you from checking it out for yourself? Will it stop you from making a deep connection with someone who genuinely likes you &cares for you? Will it stop you from experiencing all those quiet moments, big laughs, beautiful sparks &everything in between? It may not end the way you want it, but honestly... You'd be able to say you cared for someone &was cared for. No one can say they don't want to feel desired, wanted, or needed. I'm sure everyone does. Then why push all that away? I'm not saying to love everyone that gives you the look. I'm saying to see what's out there. To give things a chance. Life's all about learning &gathering information in order to accomplish your goal - your meaning in life. If your meaning in life doesn't have anything to do with other people, then go ahead - fear love, or rather, the capability of feeling love. This isn't a serious thing. Who's to say if it could have been? I'm saying to open your eyes because fear's the only thing not letting you breathe.

I've finally let go &allowed myself to be just me. &I love being able to get out there &see what will come next. I don't care if I make a fool out of myself, end up stupidly heart-broken or waste nights sulking myself in my sorrow &misery. Yeah, it fuckin' hurts like a bitch, crippling you in every way possible, engulfing your mind during every second in the day. However, after those few nights of crying - literally or figuratively - I'm right back up, knowing better. I know more of what I want &what I don't want, how to do things &how not to do things. You - on the other hand - are abandoned due to not knowing, due to restraints, due to fear.

I'm not going to apologize for anything I do. I'm not going to regret every decision I've made that doesn't turn out the way I want it. There doesn't have to be a means to an end. There just has to be a path - either one that you follow or one that you make for yourself. Either way, don't be @a stand still. We're all better than that &I'm pretty sure we all deserve more than that.

Don't stop your instincts &as cliche as it may sound - follow your heart. You may not see it now, but one day, you'll finally be able to be happy.

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