10 October 2009

He's Just Not That Into You

Men build bridges. If they want to find your phone number or anything else, they will. They will build huge, massive bridges to get to you.

I guess that's true &I guess I just don't want to believe it. Stubborn, much?

But two wrongs won't make a right. How do you know if too much is too much? I hate being in "like." You just made such an impression on me that I don't know what to do. &This is rare. Rare. I always hold on to the last thread as if it's what's keeping me together. I hate to say that I regret that night. But I think I would have regretted it either way. I constantly say to myself, "It's for the better." I don't know you. You don't know me. Why should I overthink something that probably does not exist? Why am I overthinking it right now?

Because I'm me. ha. Lamest excuse in the book. I like giving people excuses. I like giving them the benefit of the doubt. &That will be the end of me. I constantly give to other people, putting them ahead of me. I thought that would be the best. I hate seeing people hurt - I always fall for the sob story. I like fixing things &making people feel better. I thought that, after all the times you've been hurt, I could be the one that you could count on.

But I'm getting too ahead of myself. Like I always do. My mind is running at about 100 miles per minute &I'm still not getting to a conclusion.

It's called circular reasoning, baby. &Since the day I met you, I've been running around in circles. If word gets around to you, please give me a definite answer. But then again, you may just not be that into me.

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