24 October 2009

Ten Days.

Ten days &I'll be heading to Phoenix for the much-anticipated trip to the ABRCMS National Conference.

It's still all surreal for me. It's scary. I just had an incredibly deep talk with a friend yesterday &honestly, of all the bad luck I complain about having, I'm still lucky to have what I have - to be able to have opportunities like this.

I feel like this trip, regardless of how small and how close by Arizona is, will make me see things differently, or even change me. It's just a feeling. I think it will be good of me to go away from LA for a bit. Away from the Mount. Away from Eagle Rock. Away from Riverside. Away from West Hollywood. Away from Pasadena. &Away from all the people in it &in between.

All my other getaways include having someone with me - always having one constant. But this time, it'll be different. I'll be away from everyone I love &for some weird reason, I'm kind of looking forward to it. Not to say I don't like being with my loved ones. It's just that I'll finally be able to focus on my work and research - my future - without interruptions, distractions &emotional attachments.

Arizona, here I come. ♥

1 comment:

Unknown said...

be safe. have fun. enjoy your time. you're so incredible. you'll do amazing things now and in the future. :)
you better text me once you land.I can't believe its happening for you. i remember we talked about this over summer. :) full circle