11 October 2009

Let's Take a Step Back.

I found the old teddy bear he got me for my 17th birthday. You know, the one that you can write all over with markers, wash &repeat. The one that he made all my friends sign before my birthday without me knowing. The one that I was completely surprised with because he remembered our conversation from months prior about how I always wanted that specific bear. The super cute one with the cheesy line he wrote saying, "If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 minus a day so I never have to live without you" on its heart. The one that when I look at it, I think of the past. Yeah, that one.

&For some odd reason, I brought it up to my room. Whyyy?

Or, rather, a better question: Should I sleep with it/her?

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

OMG I totally get you on this one. I have a bear too, his name is Adam. For some reason I just can't get rid of him. I brought him to school last semester. This year my mom almost threw him away and I was like NOOO! he didnt' do anything wrong, his dad did. lol